Why is Technology Important to SEO?

Why is Technology Important to SEO_

Search engine optimization (SEO) has been altered for many years. The advancement of technology has actually been the factor for much of this improvement and has actually changed the way in which an SEO agency in Pune can assist clients to achieve their goals. With over billions of sites today, each using the best set of ranking keywords, how do you create a website, and particularly a business website, that is top-ranking? Well, what is very little talked about is the importance of technology in SEO- it can boost your website ranking on online search engine result pages (SERP) if done properly.



Technical SEO refers to enhancing your website’s technical aspects to make sure that search engines can crawl, index, and render your web pages correctly. It is important due to the fact that it assists you to develop a website that search engines can easily comprehend. If an online search engine has the ability to crawl, index, and render your webpages properly, it increases your opportunities for ranking on the search results page. The 3 aspects of great technical SEO are crawl ability, performance, and indexation. creating a strong technical foundation for the website also helps satisfy and delight the users. Online search engine crawlers notice and then prioritize your website over others who offer slower and buggier experiences. Work on following Technical SEO aspects to rank on SERPs.


  • Faster Load Time

    Your website’s load time is an important technical SEO metric to inspect. It is shown that websites that load faster result in a much better user experience and help in increased sales conversions. A slow-loading website, on the other hand, results in losing on visitors, a higher bounce rate, and eventually, loss of revenue. There are a number of factors that affect the load time of a website, a few of which are- image and video optimizations, third-party widgets, server capability, and website code, to name a few.


  • A Secured Website (SSL)

    A secured website uses a secure sockets layer (SSL). This is a protocol that enables the authentication, file encryption and decryption of data between a web server and a browser. Google desires you to have a secured website– which runs on “HTTPS” (the’S’ representing secured in Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) instead of “HTTP”. A secure website backs the credibility of the website for its visitors, preserves an expert web presence and helps in SEO.


  • Mobile Responsive Website

    A mobile-friendly website is a website that is created to display properly on smaller screens, such as iPhone or Android mobiles, or medium-sized tablets. Standard desktop websites do not render well on these devices, whereas a mobile-optimized site adjusts to the smaller screen size and formats the content and user interface in a mobile-friendly way, including:

  • Larger, easier to check out the text
  • Mobile-friendly navigation
  • Touch-friendly buttons and page components
  • Faster download speed

With more and more visitors accessing your company website on mobile phones, it is very important to make certain that all of your visitors have a favourable experience, no matter what type of device they’re utilizing to get there. If your website takes too long to download or is challenging to utilize on a mobile device, they might move along to a competitor’s website. Having a mobile-friendly website brings with it a number of crucial benefits, consisting of:

  • Improved search exposure
  • Improved user experience
  • Increased lead generation
  • Improved brand name identity



  • Optimized XML and HTML Sitemaps

    A sitemap works as the blueprint of your website and assists search engine spiders to find various pages on the website. One of the primary steps of enhancing a website, a properly designed HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) or XML (Extensible Markup Language) sitemap assists a lot in your SEO method. Not diving into details, HTML is the language your website speaks to the user while XML is the language your website communicates with the server.


  • SEO-Friendly URL Structure

    URLs are the building blocks of your website. To provide appropriate results to searchers, the URL is one of the most fundamental parts that is checked out by Google and other search engines. It is a point that is oftentimes ignored, however, URLs work as the address of your website, and its structure acts in forming or hurting your website traffic. Thus, it is essential that you create URLs with SEO strategies.


  • Schema Markup

    In basic language, it is a code that helps search engines find relevant and helpful content for the user. Schema markup is a sure way to improve your website’s SEO and improve the searching experience in desktops, tablets and smartphones.



Are you aware of RankBrain? Well, RankBrain belongs to Google’s core algorithm which uses machine learning (the ability of machines to teach themselves from data inputs) to figure out the most relevant outcomes to searched terms. Pre-RankBrain, Google utilized its fundamental algorithm to identify which results to show for a given query. Post-RankBrain, it is believed that the inquiry now goes through an interpretation design that can apply possible aspects like the place of the searcher, customization, and the words of the question to identify the searcher’s true intent. By being critical of this true intent, Google can deliver more pertinent results.

The machine learning aspect of RankBrain is what sets it apart from other updates. To “teach” the RankBrain algorithm to produce a helpful search results page, Google initially “feeds” its information from different sources. The algorithm then takes it from there, calculating and teaching itself over time to match a range of signals to results and to buy search engine rankings based upon these calculations.

Google is trying to make search algorithms complicated enough to comprehend not just semantics however also ideas and even feelings. The bottom line is AI will arrange results on significance, quality, and value of content. It moves SEO experts and online marketers from just keyword-based content production to concept motivated content.


It could be simple to believe that VR (virtual reality) is just for players, tech lovers or even just a passing trend. The reality is that this technology has the potential to alter nearly every industry, consisting of SEO.

Owning a VR system is still not mainstream but the video gaming industry is looking at methods to increase VR technology. Social media is adapting with features live 360 videos. When it’s about search and online content, VR and 360-degree videos can be recorded, distributed and optimised for searches with different Google tools.

These consist of tools like Google Street View, Cardboard Camera and VR View where content can be shared on various platforms, consisting of WordPress and social networks such as Facebook or Instagram.

Another social elements of virtual reality that can affect rankings and SEO are social sharing. While today infographics, memes and images are used as clickbait, VR is the bait of the future. As VR can be repurposed as online video content or appealing graphics, you can reach a broader audience base. Fresh and creative VR content will generate more traffic and backlinks to your website, improving domain authority and ranking.

VR videos can also be embedded directly into websites and seen by visitors without any expert VR equipment. VR content developed with Samsung is noted in organic search results.

What will SEO strategies look like in the future?

Technology has always played a role in how you must practice SEO. It will continue to change best strategies in the years to come. Anticipating the future is not an easy thing to do. But there are patterns already indicating a massive change in SEO. AI and especially deep learning will continue to influence SEO. Many SEO companies have actually been proactive in their implementation of SEO in the past. But deep knowing will turn SEO into a more predictive practice. It’s not hard to picture real-time SEO taking control of in the future. Real-time data can assist companies to enhance their content production and marketing practices. 

A professional SEO Company in Pune, India can see trends taking place and help your business make the most of them prior to the competition. Are you all set to rule SERPs in future with cutting edge technology? Let’s begin today with Aarna Systems. Get in touch with our team of seasoned SEO experts and grow your business online! 

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