7 Reasons Why Content Is King & Engagement is the Queen

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It’s been years hearing “Content is the King of SEO”. Well, it is indeed true! Content rules the SEO and Digital Marketing overall. Having a good content strategy is considered as the key to business’ digital success. Companies invest lots of time, energy, and money in creating a unique content strategy that can sell their brand. This means the companies emphasize on developing engaging content. If the content is dull, you cannot conquer the top rank on the SERPs. A content strategy is successful when it can drive more traffic to the business website and make a visitor take some action. 

Content is incomplete without Engagement!

Content and Engagement go hand in hand. If the content is catchy, can drive traffic, and generate leads, it needs to reach the right people at the right time via the right platform. There are very few chances your new website’s content will get read by people without any engagement efforts from your side. May it be with SEO or Social Media, you need to keep your visitors/viewers informed and engaged with the relatable content. Many ways suggest if the content is the king, engagement is the queen for SEO and overall digital success. An SEO Company in Pune, like Aarna Systems, can help you streamline your content and engagement while keeping everything SEO-centric for the best results.

7 Reasons Why Content Is King & Engagement is the Queen

1) Creates Brand Awareness

Effective content can make the crux of your brand building. While content informs about the brand’s existence, engagement looks towards maximizing the reach. You must speak your brand in the content to connect the target audience. Engagement with relatable content can persuade people towards your brand, and some may end up doing business with you at first glance. Hope for the best!

2) Increases Marketing Efficiency

When you start a certain campaign, the content does its job to reach the goal. However, engagement plays a vital role here. The world has become very fast-paced. If you don’t entertain your acquired leads in the real-time or soon, it can leave a bad impression. However, if you act fast, you have high chances to convert them into clients. The choice to act is yours!

3) Increases Customer Satisfaction

When you engage more and respond to your customer’s queries fast, it brings ultimate customer satisfaction. They tend to remember you with the good grades, and chances of repurchase increase significantly. Although many other factors can contribute to customer satisfaction, engagement is the one you must work on!

4) Builds Trust on the Brand

The high involvement businesses know the importance of building brand trust. The more people trust your brand, high are the chances of repurchase. It can trigger mouth publicity for the brand. Having a high engagement rate keeps the brand recall high. In most of the cases, people trust a brand only after researching it thoroughly. A high engagement tells that the brand is serious about services and it is worth giving it a try. While comparing similar products from different brands, you may steal the deal because of high engagement. 

5) Shows your concern

Every customer likes to have prompt solutions to the problems. Although you must have already written down all the possible FAQs with answers on your website, it still lacks personalized assistance. Having an immediate response to your customer’s problem is a must for a brand. Not just in crisis, engaging with customers with regular posts also creates a positive impression of your brand. Don’t always promote or sell; sometimes, you can simply connect and talk to people. It makes them feel valued and reflects your careful nature as a brand. 

6) Differentiates your Brand

The competition is tough. You may have innovative products to offer, but so does your competitors. So the race to capture the market will never end until you decide to stand out. Good content marketing and excellent engagement can do it for you. Stay ahead in the competition with online engagement. Use different ways to show what you’ve got and attract more customers. 

7) Builds Connections

Of course, what’s better than leaving a positive comment on other’s posts or replying to your prospective clients on social media? People feel overwhelmed when they hear back from brands they didn’t expect. This is a great way to build new connections. If you are a startup or SMB, engagement can bring you business avenues. Either you make new business deals or end up increasing your sales; engagement is a win-win on both sides!

Keep your Content & Engagement Strategy sorted

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As you know, blindly writing content and posting it on social media doesn’t work. You need to follow a strategic approach to create content and engage your user with it. Use these points to make a smart content strategy and plan the engagement road map.

  • Industry Expertise – Align your communication with your business offerings by writing on industry-related topics. 
  • Specify your Target Audience – Find the demographics, psychographics, and behaviors of your target market. 
  • Define the purpose of content – Inform, Educate, Entertain Inspire, Communicate, Opinion, Persuade, etc. 
  • Explore Types of Content – Articles, Blogs, Videos, Infographics, Tutorial, Podcasts, Webinars, Memes, etc.
  • Decide the Content Mix for Engagement – Make a schedule for posting your content. You can plan it by covering all the content formats.

            For Eg: Schedule Blog sharing once in a month, share infographics twice,   Videos one per week, and so on. This way will add varieties to your content and keep your viewers glued to your brand. 

In the end

You must understand why content is the king, the importance of quality content makes or breaks your digital marketing efforts and engagement is the queen as having quality content is not enough and of no use, if it’s not reaching to your target audience at the right time. Engagement on the content are the citations or social proof that the piece of content is good.  These both have the potential to grow your business online and offline. Engagement without valuable content is a waste of time or spamming. Similarly, what is the use of a piece of content that doesn’t reach your target customers at the right place at the right time? Create a smart content strategy that gives many avenues for engagement.

Not sure about the digital journey? Aarna Systems can help. We are a leading digital marketing company in Pune. Our team can boost your business with a creative content mix and an excellent engagement rate. Let’s frame your digital marketing strategy today and enjoy the business benefits soon. Connect to us now. It’s time to engage; it’s time to grow your business!

Also Read:- Technical SEO vs Content: Which One Matters More?