What is Email Marketing? Why is it important?

What is Email Marketing

Email Marketing is dead! How many times have you heard this as a business trying ways to get success on the internet? Most probably, countless times. There was a time when marketers started giving more significance to Social Media Marketing and not to Email Marketing. Around 61% of consumers prefer to entertain brand communication through emails, a pretty impressive statistic for brands aspiring to grow with email marketing. It is always a wonderful option for brands to satisfy their marketing objectives and thrive. However, do we actually know it to the core? Let us find out more. 

What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing is an effective digital marketing strategy for sending commercial emails to email subscribers, prospects, and existing clients with an aim to inform, drive conversions, persuade, build brand loyalty, and much more.

The email market is vast. There are various online apps and CRM software that may help you align business goals to email communication effectively. Firms can select from wide options of promotional email templates, informational emails, send newsletters, create big announcements, and much more. It is no more difficult; however, a strategic approach can aid the email campaigns to work for your brand.

Why is Email Marketing Important?

Emails have several jobs to do for a business. From persuading clients through various offers to sending an order confirmation email and beyond, Email Marketing can be used at several levels of advertising. It’s the most flexible form of digital marketing and advertising strategy. Let’s see why email marketing is vital and why you must include it in your digital marketing strategy for long term growth & business success.

Powerful Communication

Let us begin with the fundamentals. Email Marketing is the ultimate method of keeping communication clear with clients. They just place an order, email them to understand their order positioning is successfully completed, and share the timely progress of the shipment. Long time no purchase? Remind your customers of how they like your brand. It is all about communication just in time!

Brand Awareness

If you ask us the best thing about Email Marketing, it’s the capacity to reach individuals directly in a personalized way. Yes, the keyword here’s personalization. However, when you use a random list of emails to reach, most of that can land your email in spam. Once an individual subscribes to your emails, half of the battle is won at that moment. Brands need to show up in the inbox quite frequently to keep themselves on the top of the mind recall of potential buyers. It works!

Drives Conversion

Why all these efforts by companies? The ultimate goal for each and every marketing campaign is to push traffic to the website or any action, and emails do the job like a pro. When getting the email from brands that are known, the target customer is more likely to open that email and take action. This is where email advertising works best. As per a survey, around  4.24% of website visitors from email marketing buy/take desired actions compared to 2.49% of site visitors from search results and 0.59% from Social Networking,

Cost-Effectiveness & High ROI

Trust us; Email Marketing is a highly cost-effective kind of digital advertising. Most of the CRM lets you create email campaigns and track the progress/conversions. Suppose shooting emails price you $1, and it attracts a client who buys your products worth $60, isn’t it a fantastic thing? The return on investment is very high for email advertising. It is a professional approach and also a wise choice for all business firms.

Overall, Email Marketing isn’t dead; instead, it is updated. With fresh ideas, templates, personalization methods, and great content strategy on the current market, the competition to win the song are on the rise. An average individual receives about 13 commercial emails every day. What’s your strategy to keep on the very best and reap gains? Clueless? Aarna Systems can help. We are the best Digital Marketing Company in Pune. Our seasoned digital marketers have aced the email marketing strategy. Team up with us and grab maximum attention through outstanding email marketing.

Are you ready to rise with Email Marketing?


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