Pinterest guide for brick & mortar retailers:
Social Media has become an essential part of internet marketing. Most retail stores have bounded their social media channels with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. But according to today’s large usage of social media, retailers must be on every social media channel. This brings us to Pinterest, launched in 2010.
The progress of the “online pinboard” is awesome due to its visual orientation. Recent stats show that the social sites which are based on images and videos have just reached 48.7 million users. Pinterest is one out of them and it’s getting prominent day by day in terms of social selling.
Recently Nordstrom made new experiments with Pinterest, they have displayed top “pinned” items in 13 stores. The Pinterest propinquity has been tied up with different products like shoes, handbags, and dress with the assimilation of related companies and Pinterest information with its merchandise on store level.
“This test really came out of our desire as a company to align our social strategy with what our customers are talking about and what are customers are interested in,” said Bryan Galipeau, social media manager at Nordstrom. Galipeau said they are “encouraged” with the initial feedback. Even the store shows their attentiveness by putting efforts into the activity of setting up a new section on its Web site that features the most pinned items.
- How brick & mortar retailers can use Pinterest?
- Signup & create a Pinterest profile for your retail brand.
- Create different pinboards according to product categories.
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- Pin images from the online store product detail page OR if you don’t have an online store then upload an image of the product to relevant pinboards.
- Add product description to get product found on internet. You may add product keywords here. Pinterest is a great tool for SEO.
- Promote products & Pinterest accounts on social media.
- Do analytic for a high number of pinned items.
- Create Pinterest label & attached to items.

- Showcase most pinned items to window display to grab consumers attention towards the product.
How do you use social media for marketing retail products? Share your ideas about using social media for retail business. To get a detailed scope of business growth the reach us out. Aarna Systems is one of the best web design and digital marketing company in Pune.